Alesund, Norway cruise holidays

Everything about Ålesund is pretty. From its location at the entrance of Geirangerfjord to its unique architecture, it’s the kind of place that sticks with you long after you’ve left. Because it was completely rebuilt after being destroyed by fire in 1904, Alesund looks quite different to other Norwegian towns along the country's west coast now better known as simply 'Fjordland'.
Stretching across three islands at the mouth of the magnificent Geirangerfjord, Ålesunds architecture is now an eclectic mixture of mock-Gothic and neo-classical with more than a dash of Art Nouveau. Turrets and spires dot the skyline and you can trace the towns trend setting style development at the Art Nouveau Centre, one of several fascinating museums in the town. The pick is the open-air Sunnmre while the Atlantic Sea-Park is also worth a visit as one of the largest aquariums in northern Europe.
Ålesund is also a lively fishing town and home to one of Norway’s most important traditional fishing harbours – in fact, more than two thirds of the world’s production of klipfish comes from here.
A visit to the Mount Aksla lookout offers panoramic views of the town, the surrounding archipelago and the fjords.
Frequently asked questions about Ålesund, Norway
JAN | 2.5°C |
FEB | 2.2°C |
MAR | 3.3°C |
APR | 5.1°C |
MAY | 8.4°C |
JUN | 11°C |
JUL | 12.8°C |
AUG | 13.4°C |
SEP | 11.3°C |
OCT | 8.4°C |
NOV | 5.2°C |
DEC | 3.3°C |
The official language spoken in Alesund is Norwegian
The currency in Alesund is the Norwegian krone (NOK)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 16.25 kr (approx. £1.40)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 46.70 kr (approx. £3.90)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 87.50 kr (approx. £7.30)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 925.00 kr (approx. £77.25)
Tipping is not required or expected in Norway. Rather, it is entirely voluntary and up to you. That being said, some people prefer to round up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK.
Good morning - God morgen "Goo moh-ohrn"
Good afternoon - God ettermiddag "Gooh eh-ter-mee-dahg"
Good night - God natt "Gooh naht"
Hello - Hallo "Hallo"
Where is - Hvor er…? "Woor err"
Please - Vær så snill "Var-saw snill"
Thank you - Takk "Tahk"
Excuse me - Unnskyld meg "Unn-shill mei"
I dont understand - Jeg forstår ikke "Yay for-storh ee-keh"
Ålesund has a wonderful variety of coffee shops, ranging from cosy high-street cafés to old laboratories.
Norway is best known for its seafood and Ålesund doesn't disappoint with both fine dining and home-cooking options.
Unwind like a Norwegian, with a beer in hand and a view of the sea at MILK, a glass of wine at Vino or a Guinness at Nelly.
Homemade glassware, Norwegian antiques and toasty knitwear are on offer at Ålesund's many boutiques.
Delve into Ålesund's Art Nouveau architecture or take a walk around one of its heritage museums.
Ålesund sits in the midst of magnificent scenery. Explore its viewpoints and surrounding nature for some unforgettable views.