Taranto cruise holidays

In sunny southern Italy, Taranto cruise port is your gateway to Apulia’s whitewashed hill towns and white-sand beaches. Stay in the city and you’ll discover an old town with 15th-century heritage, reached by bridge from the chic, new area.
Frequently asked questions about Taranto, Italy
JAN | 9.1°C |
FEB | 9.7°C |
MAR | 11.4°C |
APR | 14.5°C |
MAY | 18.5°C |
JUN | 22.8°C |
JUL | 25.7°C |
AUG | 25.9°C |
SEP | 22.6°C |
OCT | 18.4°C |
NOV | 14.3°C |
DEC | 11.2°C |
The official language spoken in Taranto is Italian
The currency in Taranto is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.25 € (approx. £0.20)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.45 € (approx. £1.25)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 2.75 € (approx. £2.35)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 50.00 € (approx. £42.30)
Tipping in Italy is not expected but is always appreciated. Rounding up your bill is generally sufficient.
Good morning - Buon giorno "Bwohn-johr-noh"
Good afternoon - Buon pomeriggio "Bwohn pohm-er-reej-joh"
Good night - Buona notte "Bwoh–nah–noh–teh"
Hello - Ciao "Chow"
Where is - Dov'è è "Doh-veh"
Please - Per favore "Pehr fah-voh-reh"
Thank you - Grazie "Grah-tsee-eh"
Excuse me - Mi scusi "Mee skoo-see"
I dont understand - Non capisc "Non kah-pee-skoh"
Prepare yourself for a day of cosmopolitan energy with a strong Italian espresso.
Don’t miss Taranto’s signature preparations of mussels, their most celebrated local ingredient. Cozze alla Tarantina, in which they’re cooked in tomato sauce and sprinkled with parsley, is a favourite
A glass of Puglian wine or a refreshing beer help slow down the afternoon and immerse you in Taranto’s spirit.
The proud craftspeople of Taranto offer a wide array of quality products by which to remember the city.
Taranto takes pride in its Spartan roots and its previous status as one of the most important Italian cities in the Greek Empire.
The climate of southern Italy lends itself to spending time outdoors. Taranto has the added benefit of a friendly dolphin colony.
JAN | 14.3°C |
FEB | 13.6°C |
MAR | 13.8°C |
APR | 15.2°C |
MAY | 18.6°C |
JUN | 22.8°C |
JUL | 25.8°C |
AUG | 26.8°C |
SEP | 25.3°C |
OCT | 22.1°C |
NOV | 18.8°C |
DEC | 15.9°C |